Massacre de boko haram au cameroun

Voa cameroonian girls are married before the age of 18 but the highest rate is along the border with nigeria where 60% of girls go into child marriage. Une caserne a ete attaquee lundi au nord du cameroun. Cinq civils ont ete tues lors dune nouvelle attaque qui a egalement fait deux autres blesses. Fotokol is a town and commune in logoneetchari department, far north region, cameroon. One of the reasons parents give for marrying off their daughters early is to protect them from the militant islamist group boko haram. Cnns nic robertson reports on the recent mass rampage in nigeria that left up to 2,000 people dead by terror group boko haram. The city is considered to be at the heart of the boko haram insurgency. Boko haram massacre des arabophones au nigeria lorient. Hide footnote for example, in amchide, christian members of the first vigilante group set up by the bir in 2014 made false accusations against muslim residents and subjected them to extortion and blackmail.

Le gouvernement et les partenaires internationaux devront mettre en. In 2014, the gamboru ngala massacre by jihadist group boko haram killed 300 people, endangering. Moki edwin kindzeka has this report by anne nzouankeu in krawa, cameroon. Le vendredi 21 juin 2019 sera observe au cameroun et. On 2 april, a boko haram attack on the outskirts of maiduguri resulted in the death of 18 people and another 84 wounded. Une serie dattaques attribuees a boko haram ont fait au moins six victimes dans lextreme. Boko haram have carried out many attacks against the military, police and civilians since 2009 mostly in nigeria, but also in cameroon, chad and niger. Cameroonian girls on nigeria border married off to escape. On 10 january 2015, a bomb attack took place at the monday market in maiduguri, killing 19 people. Between 3 and 7 january 2015, boko haram attacked the town of baga and killed up to 2,000 people, perhaps the largest massacre by boko haram.